The “COMBO” – a 22 oz. Spray Bottle AND a Gallon Jug!


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Combo 22 oz. Spray Bottle & 1 Gallon Jug – Hearth & Stove Cleaner

This is the best of both worlds, as far as convenience and value are concerned. A cheaper price and a refillable trigger bottle (that arrives filled, of course).

So many past customers have asked for this combination of our marquee product that we finally decided to make it a regular item!

Our durable trigger spray bottle will clean your stove and fireplace components, including brick and stone hearths. It is also very effective on hard to clean smoke-stained fireplace glass, barbecue grills, carpet, clothing stains, grease, vinyl, plastics and other household cleaning jobs.

The extra gallon of our Hearth and Stove Cleaner will allow you to refill your spray bottle very economically … over 5 times!

Speedy White is biodegradable, but is not for use on decorative finishes like brass, aluminum, chrome or slate.

Weight 11.27 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 9.0 × 12.5 in
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