We were thrilled after only one application at the ease with which the product worked, In only seconds our glass doors were like new and sparkling clean. Our thanks and a round of applause to your company for this product."
Creosote is the oily liquid from wood that builds up and hardens in a chimney.
The biggest cause of creosote buildup is burning wood that is not properly seasoned. In other words if the wood is not dry enough, more creosote buildup is likely to occur. Another reason creosote builds up is due to a fire that is not burning hot enough. Check your fireplace manual for recommended temperatures.
When you see it, remove it! Spray Speedy White on the creosote to get rid of the buildup and make the area easier to clean in the future. Spray on and scrub off. No waiting, no hassle. Anyone can use it!
That depends on how often you use your fireplace. The more you use your fireplace, the more often you need to apply Speedy White. If you have glass doors on your wood or gas fireplace, wood stove, or pellet stove, we'd advise you to wipe the door surfaces after every burn cycle.
Speedy White attacks the oil in the creosote and dissolves it. Our product accomplishes this by using a special formula formulated just for this purpose. Speedy White is also awesome as a carpet cleaner, degreaser and laundry stain dissolver!